Tired of outdated, ineffective marriage advice?

For couples who dare to hope that true partnership, collaboration, and mutual satisfaction is possible.

Sharon Costanzo

Relationship Coach & Educator

We all do our very best to choose a good partner.

But no one talks about what you do when you wake up to the fact that something isn't working and you don't know how to fix it.

For several years, I struggled with feeling like my marriage was one-sided but tolerable (your typical accommodating wife meets entitled husband story). I wanted to hope that our relationship could be more balanced and connected, but I didn't know how to make it happen.

Marriage counseling didn't really help (we tried several). We'd smooth things over for a while only to end up back in the same place several months later - with even more baggage and resentment than before.

I needed to make some fundamental changes to my marriage. Changes that most couples therapists aren't equipped to achieve, because our culture is so focused on smoothing things over without getting to the heart of what's creating the disconnect.

It wasn't until I learned to:

  • clearly define what I wanted

  • compassionately confront how I was getting in my own way

  • advocate for the marriage we both deserved, and

  • establish new patterns for communicating and connecting

that things started to shift.

I learned that I didn't have to be a bully to get my needs met and I didn't need to be a doormat to get my husband to want to be close to me.

I'd like to share that with you. I think you'll find it practical, optimistic, and refreshing to work this way.

As seen on...

Marriage is a lot of work

But you don't have to do it alone. And you don't need to work without a plan and the support to execute it.

Sharon Costanzo knows firsthand what it takes to transform a marriage, work through conflict, and reconnect with a spouse.

In addition to her personal insight her training and professional experiences include:

  • Gottman Institute | Seven Principles for Making Marriage Work Leader & Educator

  • Relational Life Institute (founded by Terry Real) | RLT Coach

  • iPEC | Coaching Fundamentals

  • BS degree in biomedical engineering

  • MS degree in mechanical engineering

  • 15+ years experience as an engineer, technical trainer, and project manager

Hint at the fact that you discovered the secret...

...the solution, the result of all this suffering, and now

you are on a mission to help others just like you!


Explain in a brief sentence or two, what these packages include and how you can help.


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